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The LOTR Drinking Game

(Kindly donated to us by Dracadancer's Lair! Go thank them!)

Now, here's how the game works:
You have the choice to be either a hobbit, a wizard, an elf, a human or a dwarf. You take a shot (I like to use vodka myself but any hard liquor will do), anytime one of the events on your list occurs. At the end of the movie you have to recite the complete: "One Ring to Rule Them All" speech (at the bottom of the lists). The first one to do it without slurring or messing up the lines wins!


The Fellowship (everyone has to take a shot when any of the following occurs)

* Anytime someone in the movie is drinking or talks about drinking
* Somebody gets corrupted or almost corrupted by the ring
* A main character gets killed off
* There's a reference to one of the chapters of the book
* Anytime there happens to be artistically wind-blown hair
* Every time there's an unnecessary shot of shiny blue naked orcs
* Someone has a "Oscar" moment (i.e. over dramatic death scenes included)
* Anytime someone asks where they're going, or the fellowship needs to make a decision about which route to take, or they argue over which way to go, in general, pretty much any time they're men who refuse to ask directions
* Someone learns an important "life" lesson
* Anytime the main characters look like they've actually bathed in a week (see "Council of Elerond" scene where Aragorn's hair is clean)
* Any time you think, geez, these guys could really use girlfriends (or boyfriends)
* Every time there's some great new place and everybody looks all impressed
* Any time a main character is introduced by their full name (Aragorn son of Arathorn, Gimli son of Gloin, etc.)
* Someone knows something but refuses to tell (ex: Gandalf and the Baelrog, Aragorn and the fact that he is king, Legolas and the song the elves are singing in Gandalf's memory)
* Someone's accent slips (happens to Elijah Wood most often)
* The shorter extras are noticeable
* The taller extras are noticeable
* The ring talks in that whispery voice and everyone glances at it
* Giant flaming eyeball cameos
* Gollum cameos (hiss and take 2 drinks because these are few and far between)
* Every time people hug (two shots if they're both guys, three shots if they're sexy, sensitive guys!)

Hobbit (I personally think this is the hardest to get all the way through)

* There is a touching hobbit moment
* Frodo and Sam have a "moment"
* Pippin does something that gets everyone in trouble
* Someone cries
* Someone is homesick
* The hobbits have to be carried by other members of the fellowship
* Frodo almost dies
* Someone saves Frodo (two shots if it's Aragorn)
* Someone is wearing noticeably sneakers
* Someone has to run away from something
* Whenever the hobbits have breakfast/second breakfast/elevenzies/brunch/lunch/afternoon tea/supper/dinner etc.
* You see a shot of hobbit feet and think "Someone needs to shave"
* Whenever someone smokes a pipe/talks about smoking a pipe
* Whenever Bilbo appears to have split personalities (kind grandfatherly hobbit . . . .precccccciosssss ring . . . . kind grandfatherly hobbit . . . . gimme the ring . . .) and you wonder just how many pipes he's been smoking
* The ring is held out on Frodo's hand for just anyone to grab but no one does
* Every time it looks like Frodo needs a hug (prepare to wasted . . . this occurs constantly!)


* Anytime anyone lapses into Elvish
* An elf shows up and a blinding white light takes over the screen
* Theres a female cast member with lines
* Legolas gets to walk on snow
* Anytime someone has a much bigger part than they actually did in the book (I don't even have to say who here)
* Legolas makes an impossible shot with his bow and hits and orc every time
* You see Elrond and keep expecting him to say "Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Andersssson..."
* Galadriel goes all weird and mysterious for no apparent reason
* Legolas gets to use E.S.P (Elf Sensory Perception)
* Anytime Legolas saves anybody in the Fellowship


* Gandalf and Frodo have a "moment"
* Gandalf says something wise
* Every time Gandalf should kick ass but doesn't (i.e. Cave troll)
* When Gandalf actually DOES kick ass
* Anyone refers to Gandalf specifically as 'Gandalf the Grey'
* Anytime Saruman says 'flesh'
* Gandalf loses his hat but magically gets it back again (it's good to be a wizard I guess)
* Someone starts to explain something at an inopportune time (i.e. in the middle of a fight, on the top of a mountain in a blizzard)
* Someone mentions the giant flaming eyeball
* Anytime you see that Gandalf has his pipe disguised as part of his staff
* Anytime there's a closeup shot of Saruman's finger nails


* Aragorn and Frodo have a "moment"
* Aragorn and Boromir have a "guy moment"
* Aragorn and Boromir almost get in a fight
* Anytime you can see the ferret in the pub
* Anytime Boromir quite unashamedly leers at Frodo
* Anytime Boromir quite unashamedly leers at Aragorn
* Anytime Boromir says "gap of Rohan" or "Gondor"
* Aragorn looks like he's going to cry but doesn't
* Whenever Aragorn has a name switch (i.e. Strider to Aragorn to his elvish name etc.)
* Aragorn actually lops off an orc's head with one slice
* A character looks particularly dirty and you wonder whether men left to their own devices ever think about bathing. I mean, come on: Galadriel and Arwen live out in the middle of the woods, and they're still clean . . .

Dwarf (this one is a little bit shabby but dont worry were going to work on it)

* Anytime Gimli says something about how the dwarves are better than the elves
* Whenever you hear John Rhys-Davies's accent and you half expect Indiana Jones to join the fellowship
* Anytime it looks like someone has rebraided Gimli's beard
* Anytime Gimli breaks/throws/appears to lose an axe but is always able to whip out another one
* Whenever Gimli goes cross eyed
* Anytime Gimli mentions Moria and how nice it is

The Speech

Here's the speech. You have to recite the whole thing with no messing up and no slurring. Good Luck!

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."


Or you can do the "Get drunk extra quick" version and everybody drinks when any of the following occurs

* Frodo looks scared
* Theres a flashback about the ring (this should get you drunk in the first ten minuets no problem)
* Any of the male cast look really hot/cute (WARNING: if you get too drunk even the dwarf starts looking good)
* An orc gets killed (these things must come by the gross)
* Any time a cast character with blue eyes shows up (freakin' everyone in this film has blue
eyes! take a look! Excpet maybe the orcs, but I bet a few of them have blue eyes too)