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Mini Biography

This is where I'm supposed to tell you about my exciting and high-flying life as a webmistress and writer, correct?



My name is Siona, and I am 15 years old. I inhabit the doomed town of Richfield in Utah, USA with my mother, step-father, 13 year-old brother Austin, step-sister, and step-brother. My father, Brett, lives in Ohio with a girlfriend I've never met and probably never will. I get along great with my family and adopted step-family with the exception of my father's side, and have a good gaggle of buddies that at least try to keep me in track.

I'm currently a Sophmore in high school.  I can't say it's my favorite experience, especially as a Freshman (AKA, Freshmeat), but I still have two years to either screw my life up or build heaven-on-Earth. It's been the sight of my maturing and where most of my strongest bonds have been born. Go, might Wildcats, GO! RAH RAH RAAAAAAH!!!!

After high school, I plan on going to college as long as possible. Because my 'rents are divorced and Brett has to pay child support, I won't have to pay my own way in. God bless America. >D

I absolutely love anime and manga; more than life itself. It's inspiring and something I can connect and identify with. I mostly stick to good plots and brilliant animation, but the occasional heavy-duty action, comedy, or romance are a good addition to the mix. I live to write. Without it, this site wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have a purpose, I think.  When I write, it usually strays to fanfiction but I'm in the midst of two completely original stories. Someday, I might wander away from science-fiction and fantasy to sit down and write a more realistic book.

I have quite a wide range of online buddies, and a few close ones in the real world. All of them might describe me as being the bubbly cheerful one with a hint of creativity bordering on insanity. I'm easy to get along with if you identify with me on a few levels, but open, cheerful and a bit mad when you get to know me. I tend to think a bit too much and I enjoy daydreaming. I'm easily confused, gullible, sensitive, and I don't open up to others easily, especially if you catch me in a writing/reading moment. I can be stubborn, and I don't ask for help when I need it because I thrive on figuring things out by myself until I give up or horribly fail. ^^' I'm addicted to the internet, on just about 7 days a week; it's just another way to let my creative nature run wild.

I plan on buying a moped someday and touring Japan, France, and/or Germany with it before I die. I'm currently taking French but really want to learn German and Japanese instead. My dream career is a at-home writer with at least book on the top ten lists.